Here at HYPOXI, we’re proud to have dedicated HYPOXI-Coaches and Studio Managers who love helping people like you achieve their body transformation goals. They are your committed partner who will be with you in every step of your journey to becoming the best version of yourself.
One amazing fact that most of our clients don’t know is that some of our HYPOXI-Coaches and Studio Managers also started as HYPOXI clients.
Just like Monique McLachlan from HYPOXI Macquarie. She started as one of our clients who fell in love with the body shaping benefits of HYPOXI.
Monique was then looking for a program that would help her lose weight and improve her skin tone and texture. She first signed up for our Intro Offer and got impressed with how effective the low impact, advanced vacuum and compression technology of HYPOXI was.
A few months later, she started working as a HYPOXI-Coach and eventually got promoted to Studio Manager.
Get to know Monique in this one-on-one interview and learn more about her HYPOXI journey from being a client to becoming a Studio Manager.
Why did you join HYPOXI?
I had lost 40kgs and was considering surgery for my loose skin, but it was too drastic and expensive. So I searched the internet for skin tightening and weight loss programs as I still wanted to lose 10kgs more. HYPOXI came up so I signed up for the trial. Three months later, I got to my goal and my skin was also shrinking with my weight loss.
I loved the product so much and was looking for a new job. That’s why I asked the HYPOXI Studio Manager at the time if she had any jobs available, and she said yes.
I started as a HYPOXI-Coach for 9 months. Then, the Studio Manager moved to another studio and soon after that, I took on the role.
I’ve been working as a HYPOXI Studio Manager for 3 years now. I have also had two of my daughters work for me as HYPOXI-Coaches, one of which is now a Studio Manager as well.
What’s your first impression of the HYPOXI experience?
I wanted to buy the business as I believed in the product and everything it offered. I loved the studio, how easy the exercise was and the weight loss goals were not unrealistic.
Exercise and nutrition are the foundation for any successful weight loss journey. With the HYPOXI-Technology, you can’t lose. Well actually you can! Because of the increase in fat burning, you get results faster. This then helps motivate you to stick to healthier eating and the HYPOXI exercise routine.
I also love that you can just cycle and by the time you have checked your emails, watched a bit of TV or had a chat, you are done.
Can you share what your typical day at the studio/HQ looks like?
It usually starts with my morning rush of clients. I love the smiling faces coming in excited to do their workout. Then, I go and have my morning coffee.
After that, I assist more clients, have lunch, do some phone calls and admin work, then I’m ready for my afternoon workout session. I personally love the HYPOXI L250 machine because I get to watch TV shows like “Friends” and do my workout while lying down.
How do you keep clients motivated and engaged?
I help them by giving them a HYPOXI experience that caters to their needs.
It’s their session so they’re in control of what they want out of the session – whether it’s a chat about what they did on the weekend, nutritional help, other exercise ideas or they just want to catch up on reading, emails, phone calls or watch TV.
What’s the best part about being a member of the HYPOXI team?
Being appreciated for your strengths and being supported to overcome your weaknesses.
What aspect of the HYPOXI experience is your personal favourite?
My favourite part of the job is the interaction with clients and seeing them succeed when nothing else has worked for them. Just being there to listen to them share their lives, support them on their weight loss journey and remind them that slow and steady wins the race.