- How do I start HYPOXI?
Initially, you will need to book into your closest studio for a consultation in order for us to assess your requirements and objectives. This session is also an opportunity to learn more about this unique system and go through the training schedule.
- Is it painful?
No, it is completely non-invasive and pain free. HYPOXI is a low impact training method and the horizontal position in the L250 and HYPOXI-DERMOLOGY machines takes pressure off the joints. If you haven’t ridden a pushbike for a while the upright S120 seat can take a few sessions to get used to.
- How many times per week should HYPOXI be undertaken?
For optimal results, HYPOXI training should be done consistently 3 times per week for at least 4 weeks. It is advisable to have an even spread throughout the week, however this is not mandatory. For best results during the initial HYPOXI - Training, the HYPOXI-Method dictates 3 sessions a week for 4 weeks (total of 12 sessions). However, this is dependent on your weight loss goals. Plan on 12-24 sessions per clothing size you are aiming to lose. Many clients continue to do 3 sessions a week for 3-6 months. After you have reached your goal, you can choose to move to a long term maintenance plan that is 1-2 HYPOXI sessions per week.
- How much does it cost?
HYPOXI sessions are very reasonably-priced when compared to other fitness services & cellulite treatments on the market for the results that you achieve. The return on investment with HYPOXI is high when you compare the time and money invested compared to the results. The recommended retail price is $69 per session, or $696 for a course of 12 sessions or $1296 for the 12 session HYPOXI-DERMOLOGY combination course. After your initial programme we have long term memberships to save you money. Direct debit payment plans to spread the cost of your programme are available if you don’t want to pay up front.
- How long does a HYPOXI session take?
HYPOXI is perfect for the time poor because each session only takes 30 minutes to achieve optimal fat-burning results. The HYPOXI-DERMOLOGY is only 20 minutes which means if you use it in conjunction with a HYPOXI - Training device you can still be in and out in under an hour!
- What should I wear?
L250/S120 Training should be undertaken in loose fitting gym pants, a t-shirt and joggers. Bring a gym towel with you also.HDC
HYPOXI-DERMOLOGY training should be carried out wearing loose fitting pants, t-shirt and socks.- How long before I will see results?
You will have your measurements taken at your first, 6th session and final session. By your 6th session, the majority of clients will be starting to see results.
- What if I am not seeing results?
If after your 6th session you have not seen any results – be persistent & consistent. Every individual body is different. It is important to review your nutrition and ensure you are following the nutritional guidelines as outlined. Are you following all of the guidelines we issued? Are you getting enough sleep? Drinking 2 litres of water? Avoiding excessive alcohol? All of these factors can affect your results.
- Can I still do other forms of exercise?
Absolutely! Doing HYPOXI - Training does not mean you need to stop your other exercise. We encourage you to live an active lifestyle. However, to achieve maximum results whilst undergoing HYPOXI, you should not participate in any exercise on your HYPOXI-Training days. Plan your other exercise activities for your non-HYPOXI days.
- Will I lose weight in other areas of the body?
What makes HYPOXI so unique is that it is targeted weight and fat loss around the hips, bottom, thighs and tummy. Because you are doing aerobic exercise and following a healthy eating plan you will no doubt see incidental fat loss in other areas such as the chest and arms, and improved skin texture across your body as a result of better circulation, however the largest cm loss will be in the targeted areas ie. hips, bottom, stomach, thighs.
- What if I am pregnant?
HYPOXI does not allow pregnant women to undergo HYPOXI treatments. If you do fall pregnant whilst undergoing HYPOXI, don’t worry, you can suspend your treatment package until you are 12 weeks post birth to continue your training when you need it.
- What if I am post-birth?
HYPOXI is perfect for new Mums as it is low impact exercise and gentle on your body after birth. We recommend starting HYPOXI sessions after 12 weeks post birth. Please consult your healthcare/medical professional before engaging in any exercise post birth.
- What if I am breastfeeding?
It is safe to undertake HYPOXI - Training whilst breastfeeding; however to avoid any uncomfortable feeling during your sessions in the HYPOXIDERMOLOGY, studios have Breast Plates available for use during your treatment.
- What if I have breast implants?
It is safe to undertake HYPOXI -Training with breast implants. As with all surgery, you need to wait 6 weeks post-surgery before commencing HYPOXI
- What if I have a health condition that does not allow me to exercise?
HYPOXI requires a medical certification before undergoing any HYPOXI - Training if you have a health conditions that does not permit you to exercise.