Hypoxi Keilor East (03) 9336 0520
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Hypoxi Keiloreast

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We offer the following services at our studio:

The L250

If you consider yourself a pear shaped woman, the L250 is for you. Did you know that almost 85% of women say that they find it hardest to lose weight from the lower abdominal area, the hips and thighs? Women are predisposed to store fat in these areas to aid the body during pregnancy. The L250 is perfect for all fitness levels, even those who have not exercised for some time and are finding it hard to get active again. Empirical studies show that L250 users can achieve up to 3 times greater circumference loss around the hips, buttocks and thighs than that achieved with conventional exercise.

Ideal For:

  • Pear-shaped women
  • Women with cellulite or localised fat deposits
  • Mums struggling to lose baby weight
  • Women and men who do not enjoy the gym but want results
  • Women looking to get in shape for that special day

Targets stubborn fat and cellulite around

  • Hips
  • Bottom
  • Thighs
  • Lower Back
  • Lower Stomach


Battling a beer belly or your post-baby weight gain? Applying HYPOXI technology, the Vacunaut system is designed to target fat around the stomach and hip region.

The central feature of the Vacunaut is the complex network of 122 integrated pressure chambers which get to work on those stubborn areas of your midsection while you exercise. No more than a brisk walk, the Vacunaut will get to work on your tummy and love handles. It’s the training device of choice for celebrity Robbie Williams.

Ideal For:

  • Apple shaped women with excess fat around the stomach and waist
  • Men wanting to rid of their “beer belly”
  • Women struggling to lose their “baby weight”
  • Post-menopausal women looking to target stomach fat
  • Defining abs for professional or amateur competition
  • Women wanting to regain their hourglass shape

Targets stubborn fat around

  • Stomach
  • Hips

The S120

Every S120 client has their own personalised program which is closely monitored via heart rate and thermo sensors. The best part is sessions are quick and easy – only 30 minutes in length – which means there’s no need to slog it out for hours at the gym to see great results. It’s no wonder UK celebrity Cheryl Cole purchased her own S120 to keep her fantastic figure in shape. A recent university study concluded that Hypoxi S120 users can lose as much as 270% more subcutaneous fat in the targeted area than that lost through regular exercise.

Ideal For:

  • Fit people looking to target those last stubborn kilos
  • Active recovery – from training sessions, race or game meets
  • Women with stubborn cellulite or localised fat deposits
  • Women and men who experience fluid retention
  • People looking for an alternative low impact exercise that gets results

Targets stubborn fat and cellulite around

  • Hips
  • Bottom
  • Thighs
  • Lower Back
  • Lower Stomach


HypoxiDermology (HDC) – An ancient principle, perfected by HYPOXI Cupping is an ancient application of Chinese medicine which has been used since at least the 4th century to combat the stresses of daily life on the body. Acknowledging its benefits, HYPOXI adopted the technique and developed it into a contemporary and sophisticated treatment. The central feature of the HDC is the complex network of 400 integrated pressure chambers located around the stomach, hip, buttock and thigh region. The HDC chambers act in a similar way to manual cupping, however in its refined state has a number of advantages.

Used on its own, the HDC can improve the skin’s tone and texture. However, the real beauty of the HDC is when it is combined with HYPOXI’s other training devices. Undertaking the HDC prior to either a L250, S120 or Vacunaut session will see you accelerate your results and drastically reduce the appearance of even the most severe cellulite. Leading Australian publication Grazia is calling it the ‘pro treatment’ if your normal workout isn’t cutting it – click here to read the full article.

Ideal For:

  • People starting a detox program
  • Women wanting to reduce the appearance of severe cellulite
  • Men and women wanting to firm skin tone and texture
  • Women undertaking the L250 or S120 program that want to accelerate results
  • Men or women using the Vacunuat that want to accelerate fat burning around the stomach region
  • Men and women who experience fluid retention

Aids in reducing

  • Cellulite
  • Puffy Skin

Vibro Trainer

10 Minutes is equivalent to one hour in the gym

Ideal For:

  • Toning and firming muscles
  • Cellulite reduction and prevention
  • Skin tone and texture
  • Increasing muscle strength
  • Increasing metabolism
  • Blood circulation and lymphatic drainage
  • Accelerated weight loss

There are differences in vibration devices; the key is to have intensive resistance training without placing strain on the body. Currently being used by therapists, medical practitioners, physiotherapists, osteopaths, chiropractors, the cosmetic & beauty industry, health and fitness as well as integrated wellness centres internationally.

The machine does up to 25 repetitions per second, compared with 1 repetition per second during normal exercise. It increases circulation and increases metabolism, which consequently breaks up fat, tones and builds strength and bone destiny. It is also excellent for lymphatic drainage. Excellent work out on your non-HYPOXI days!

*The Vibro Trainer is not affiliated with HYPOXI









Vibro Trainer

HYPOXI Keilor East Studio

The modern, low-impact exercise technology with quick, targeted results

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