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Say Hello To Firmer Skin And A More Even Skin Tone: Meet HYPOXI Dermology Comfort (HDC)

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Say Hello To Firmer Skin And A More Even Skin Tone: Meet HYPOXI Dermology Comfort (HDC)

On June 26, 2022, Posted by , In General Health, With Comments Off on Say Hello To Firmer Skin And A More Even Skin Tone: Meet HYPOXI Dermology Comfort (HDC)

There are several types of skin problems women (and even men) suffer with, and having puffy skin is a common problem we often hear about. Swollen or puffy skin is usually caused by fluid retention (A.K.A. water retention) which occurs when excess fluids build up inside our body. It can be a frustrating condition to have as it also causes bloating, stiffness and weight gain.

Other issues many of us struggle with are uneven skin tone and saggy skin. There are topical products that may help you achieve evened-out complexion and tighter skin, but not all are created equal nor give positive results.

If you’re struggling with these skin issues and don’t know what treatment to choose, don’t worry. HYPOXI is here to help you. We have the perfect device that will help you reduce fluid retention, improve your skin tone and increase your skin’s firmness.

Meet the HYPOXI Dermology Comfort (HDC)

The HYPOXI Dermology Comfort (HDC) device is specifically designed to firm and tighten skin, reduce puffy skin and even the skin tone. Inspired by the traditional Chinese cupping therapy, we adopted the method and developed it into a contemporary and sophisticated treatment.

The central feature of this machine is the complex network of 400 chambers located within the HDC suit which comes in contact with the stomach, hip, buttock and thighs. These chambers act similarly to manual cupping, but without direct skin contact. This results in decreased exposure of connective tissue and blood vessels which means no bruising can be noticed post-treatment.

Benefits of using HDC

Now that you know how the HDC device works, let’s talk about the range of benefits our machine can provide.

Convenient and relaxing sessions

Unlike other skin treatments out there, HDC training only requires you to allot 20 minutes per session. So if you’re looking for a skin toning regimen that will suit your busy lifestyle, this is perfect for you.

Using this machine also allows you to multitask. If you want to read and reply to emails, listen to music or watch your favourite TV shows, you can do it while undertaking the treatment.

Aside from quick and convenient sessions, our clients also love using our HDC device as it’s relaxing and feels like a gentle massage. The HDC gently massages the skin with micro-movement repetitions, allowing for a calming and restorative rejuvenating treatment.

Increases circulation

Healthy blood and oxygen circulation are necessary to maintain optimal health as it allows your lungs, heart and other organs to function efficiently.

If you want to improve your circulation, our HDC device is beneficial for you. The high and low-pressure intervals of the device stimulate blood flow to specific areas in our body. It encourages the supply of oxygen to the tissue which helps increase energy and reduce the occurrence of bloating, numbness and swelling.

Improves skin tone

When our skin is exposed to harmful UV rays, it triggers melanin production which leaves our skin tone uneven. Other factors that may lead to blotchy and uneven skin tone are hormone-related hyperpigmentation, medications and air pollution.

The pressure chambers within the HDC’s PressureSuit train the skin through repetitive micro movements. This leads to increased cell activity and provides an overall improvement in skin tone and texture.

Reduces fluid retention

If you’re suffering from fluid retention, the HDC will help you reduce water buildup by stimulating your body’s lymphatic system.

When positive pressure is applied to the dermal and fatty tissue, the pressure on vessels between the skin and the muscles is increased. This is where your veins and lymph nodes are located. The gentle alternating vacuum (negative pressure) and compression (positive pressure) therapy of our HDC helps drive the fluids to the cleansing organs.

Leanne, one of our October 2021 8WT finalists from HYPOXI Cleveland, shares that HDC has been a real game-changer in helping her relieve swelling in specific areas. “I have a lymphatic tumour so I find the HDC suit perfect to aid with lymphatic drainage,” she said.

Can be used in conjunction with other HYPOXI devices

Used on its own, the HDC can significantly improve the skin’s tone and texture. But the real beauty of this device is when it’s combined with HYPOXI’s other training devices.

Undertaking the HDC prior to either an L250, S120 or Vacunaut session, can prepare and activate your body’s tissue for fat burning. It can accelerate weight loss results and drastically reduce the appearance of even the most severe cellulite.

Want to experience the benefits of HDC and see what all the fuss is about? Contact a studio near you to claim your intro offer today. Our introductory offer provides you with 3 single HYPOXI sessions for $49, where you can try different HYPOXI machines and see how they work.

In just one session, you can certainly start to feel a difference in your body. And when you complete our intro offer and decide that HYPOXI is right for you, you can choose to sign up for our Membership or Session Packs.

Our team will happily discuss your requirements and objectives and create a personalised program tailored to your needs so you can finally achieve your body transformation goals.

Click here to learn more about our intro offer.

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